Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Revisiting the past

Call it a fad or a conviction based on spiritual beliefs, but Past Life Regression Therapy is getting hot in all metro cities of India. Youngsters, elders, all ages seem to be trying this out!

Fancy a trip into your past life? Sounds incredible, but Past Life Regression Therapy definitely seems to be the latest rage in all metro cities of India. Youngsters, elders, all ages seem to be trying this out! What leads them to pursue this therapy? Why are people resorting to it? Why has it suddenly gained momentum?

Honestly, there are many theories that have given rise to this philosophy, but the biggest theory being the teachings of the Bhagvat Gita and the Hindu philosophy of reincarnation. The therapy works subconsciously, on the premise that the cause of a person’s physical and/or psychological ailments might result from a trauma that a person had experienced in an earlier existence, or at any point in a previous life, by some sort of personal ordeal buried deep within the subconscious.

Famous therapist, Dr. Nina Guleria who conducts this therapy at well known Spa Ananda of the Himalayas answers some of the basic questions that one would like to know about this therapy…

What is past life regression?

Explaining in layman words past life regression is a mind travel to a previous lifetime and gives one the ability to view a life you have lived before.

How is it done? Do you need to be in person for going through with this therapy? Does it have ill effects?

Well, it is done with the use of hypnosis. Yes, the person wishing to be regressed needs to be present, since it is to be their journey and experience of revisiting. It has no 'ill' effects at all; rather there always seem to be benefit to the client.

Why has this therapy got so popular?

There are several reasons for this. First, at least for India, were the books written by Brian Weiss, who has written at least three books on the subject. Being popular reading around 2 to 3 years ago, many people were well informed on the subject. About the same time several hypnotherapists got ready for professional work, so the two met happily. Second, there is a growing global awareness of things spiritual, and happenings in other dimensions, and/or just wanting to know of soul travel.

How does this therapy benefit a person?

There are different benefits for different people, on a very personal level. How much, why, and how things had happened in past lives for them will be uniquely their own story, having significance mostly for them.

Can one enroll in courses to learn this therapy?

The ways for doing it is by learning and becoming a Past Life Regressionist, after having become a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. Courses are offered in Delhi and Mumbai.

On which philosophy does this therapy work?

There is no philosophy as such, except a belief in a Past Life and ability to be hypnotised.

For an avid believer in past life this therapy can do wonders as it answers some personal dilemmas which may have presented an enigma for you. For others it could be an interest in following a fad. Which ever way one looks at it, the therapy is a matter of personal choice and beliefs.

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