I have noticed that the most successful bloggers online have all taken similar steps in becoming great bloggers. After lotsof research and study, I can also tell you that blogging is much more complex than it seems to be on the surface. However, with a bit of effort, I believe anyone can become a successful blogger.Here are 101 steps to becoming a better blogger…
1. First, I’m going to assume you’re using Wordpress. You are using Wordpress aren’t you? The built-in SEO and pinging functions make Wordpress a search engine machine.
2. Sign up for Feedburner.
3. Post at least once a day.
4. Optimize your blog for the search engines.
5. Make sure you have an “About Me” page.
6. Submit your blog to 9Rules.
7. Submit your blog to NewsNow
8. Let your readers see the REAL you. Blogging is more personal than conventional websites. Don’t be afraid to tell a fewstories from your own life. By being real and personal, you will build a relationship with your readers based on loyalty and trust.
9. Blog and ping.
10. Submit your blog to rss and blog directories.
11. Use trackbacks.
12. Get involved in the blogosphere. Being a blogger is about being part of a community. Leave comments on otherblogs and get to know your favorite bloggers.
13. Give your blog it’s own unique voice… You!
14. Spend 99% of your time focused on creating unique, quality content. Content is King; or as John Reese says, “content is King Kong”.
15. Add a large RSS subscription button to your site.
16. Place an RSS feed link at the bottom of every post.
17. Set up a MyBlogLog Widget.
18. Encourage social bookmarking after every post.
Install these plugins to optimize your blog:
19. Akismet - This plugin helps eliminate comment spam.
20. Optimal Title - This plugin allows you to optimize the title of your blog post in order to improve your search engine rankings.
21. Ultimate Tag Warrior - The best tag system for WordPress.
22. Google Sitemap Generator - This plugin will enable you to automatically generate a Google sitemap for your blog.
23. Show Top Commentators - This plugin encourages feedback and discussion by rewarding the top commentators with a link back to their site in the sidebar.
24. Related Posts - This plugin will find other blog posts that are related to the current post. This encourages extra page views and keeps readers at your blog for a longer period of time.
25. Super Archive - One of the best archives system
26. WP-Cache - This plugin is an extremely efficient caching system that will make your site much faster.
27. WP-ContactForm - This plugin allows your readers to easily email you. It also helps avoid spam.
28. Popularity Contest - This plugin determines which of your posts are most popular and then puts them in the sidebar.
29. Adsense Deluxe - This plugin makes it easy to implement Adsense into your blog.
30. Sociable - This plugin helps you spread your content through social bookmarking sites like Digg, del.icio.us,reddit, and others.
31. Feedburner Feed Replacement - This plugin directs all of your feed traffic to Feedburner, ensuring accurate readership stats. This plugin will also convert any existing subscribers from the old feed to the FeedBurnerone.
32. Create a custom blog design. Your blog is a symbol of your brand. Make it uniquely you.
33. Add photos to each of your posts.
34. Use tagging.
35. Share the link love.
36. Publish a full feed instead of a partial feed.
37. Consider approaching newspapers with a story about your blog. Remember, journalists are hungry for content and ifyou can come up with a unique twist, then you could get some great coverage
38. Persistence is the key. Give your blog at least 6 months before you start expecting great returns on all of your hard work. Believe me, it will pay off in the long run.
39. Submit exclusive content to high-profile sites.
40. Syndicate a press release. Take some time to craft a truly compelling and newsworthy press release and send it to some of the top journalists and bloggers. You can then submit it to the main press release sites, including PRWeb and PRLeap.
41. Turn your articles into podcasts.
42. Turn your articles into videos using PowerPoint to create an entertaining slideshow. Submit your video to all of thepopular video sites, including Google Video, YouTube, and others.
43. Submit to blog carnivals.
44. Participate in and submit to social web 2.0 sites, including Reddit, Digg, Delicious, Netscape, and Stumble Upon.
45. Turn your articles into downloadable reports/ebooks.
46. Join Blogburst.
47. Syndicate your articles to EzineArticles, GoArticles, iSnare,American Chronicle, and other high-profile article directories.
48. Exchange guest posts with other bloggers.
49. Participate in group writing projects and memes.
50. Create a Squidoo lens that links back to your blog and established you as an industry expert in your chosen field.
51. Interview industry experts. This is one of the best ways to create original, engaging content.
52. Offer an e-mail newsletter in addition to RSS. An email newsletter allows you to form a closer relationship withyour visitors and picks up those who still aren’t comfortable with RSS technology.
53. Ask your visitors for suggestions on how to improve your website’s content because in the end, it’s really all about your readers.
54. Create a customized 404 page.
55. Claim your blog on Technorati
56. Enable automatic trackback and ping functionality.
57. If someone mentions your website on their blog, thank that blogger in the comments of the post and send them a thank you note. You can monitor any mentions of your blog using Google Alerts, Technorati, and Blogpulse.
58. Make contact with related bloggers online as well as offline.
59. Build up the readership of your blog using StumbleUpon Ads.
60. Edit yourself ruthlessly.
61. Translate your site into multiple languages. This is one tactic that few sites are taking advantage of.
62. Have your blog reviewed by ReviewMe.
63. Become a Guest Blogger.
64. Use Google Analytics.
65. Validate your feeds.
66. Claim your blog at Feedster.
67. Interact with your readers. Blogging is a two-way communication tool The most successful bloggers interact with their readers. They answer reader emails and comments and ask for feedback and suggestions on a regular basis.
68. Write about something that you love. You will not succeed if you are working at something you don’t enjoy. As DaleCarnegie once said, “People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.”
69. Attend blogging conferences.
70. Invite your readers to submit articles.
Top Ways to Monetize Your Blog:
71. Kontera ContentLink
72. Text Link Ads
73. BlogAds
74. Ad Brite
75. Direct Ad sales & Sponsorships
76. Affiliate Sales
77. Google Adsense
78. ReviewMe
79. Bidvertiser
80. AuctionAds
81. Some of the best ways to monetize your RSS feed include the FeedBurner Ad Network and Text Link Ads.
Blog Writing Tips:
82. Learn to write great headlines.
83. Make your articles scannable. People don’t read on the Internet. They scan.
84. Use numbers in your titles to attract attention.
85. Vary your content. Be unique. Create a quiz. Interview a fellow blogger. Poll your readers. Review a book. Shake itup a bit to keep your readers interested.
86. Edit your writing ruthlessly.
87. Write like you talk.
88. Write with passion. It will come through in your writing.
89. Say something worth reading.
90. Always write with your reader in mind. Imagine that you are chatting with them over lunch at a local cafe.
91. Make your important points up front.
92. Include bullet point lists.
93. Create a “top 10″ list.
94. Create a “How To” article.
95. Create a weekly or monthly roundup of great posts from around the blogosphere.
96. Watch for trends in your industry.
97. Read voraciously and bring your readers the golden nuggets of everything you learn.
98. If you ever find yourself with writer’s block, check out 101 Great Posting Ideas.
99. Leave your readers hungry for more. Give them a quick preview of what you’ll be posting the next day. Theyare much more likely to come back if they are already excited about the next days post. Anticipation isone of the greatest marketing tactic.
100. Have fun! Blogging doesn’t always have to be serious. Feel free to make your posts fun and entertaining.
101. If you’re still looking for blogging tips, then here are some great resources: ProBlogger, JohnChow, and Successful Blog
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
The Nine Biggest Myths of the Workplace
You'll be happier if you have a job you like.
The correlation between your happiness and your job is overrated. The most important factors, by far, are your optimism levels and your personal relationships. If you are a pessimist, a great job can't overcome that. (Think of the jerks at the top.) And if you have great friends and family, you can probably be happy even if you hate your job (imagine a garbage collector who's in love).
Job-hopping will hurt you.
Job hopping is one of the best ways to maintain passion and personal growth in your caeers. And here's some good news for hoppers: Most people will have eight jobs between the time they are eighteen and thirty. This means most young workers are job hopping. So hiring managers have no choice but to hire job hoppers. Ride this wave and try a lot of jobs out yourself.
The glass ceiling still exists.
The glass ceiling is over, not because people crashed through, but because people are not looking up. Life above the glass ceiling is 100-hour weeks, working for someone else, and no time for friends and family. And it's not only women who are saying no to the ladder up: Men are as well. People want to customize success for themselves, not climb someone else rungs. So if no one is climbing to the top, the glass ceiling isn't keeping anyone down.
Office politics is about backstabbing.
The people who are most effective at office politics are people who are genuinely nice. Office politics is about helping people to get what they want. This means you have to take the time to figure out what someone cares about, and then think about how you can help him or her to get it. You need to always have your ears open for when you can help. If you do this, you don't have to strong arm people or manipulate them. Your authentic caring will inspire people to help you when you need it.
Do good work, and you'll do fine.
For one thing, no one knows what the heck you're doing in your cube if you're not telling them. So when you do good work, let people know. It is not crazy to toot your own horn--it's crazy to think someone will do it for you. Also, if you do good work but you're a jerk, people will judge your work to be sub par. So you could say that good work really only matters if your co-workers enjoy hearing about it from you.
You need a good resume.
Only ten percent of jobs come from sending a blind resume. Most people get jobs by leveraging their network. Once you have a connection, the person looks at your resume to make sure there are no red flags. So you need a competent resume and an excellent network. This means you should stop stressing about which verb to use on the second line of your third job. Go talk to someone instead.
People with good networks are good at networking.
Just be nice, take genuine interest in the people you meet, and keep in touch with people you like. This will create a group of people who are invested in helping you because they know you and appreciate you. Use LinkedIn to leverage those peoples' networks, and you just got yourself a very strong network by simply hanging out with the people you like.
Work hard and good things will come.
Everyone can put in a seventy-hour week. It doesn't mean you're doing good work. So here's an idea: Make sure you're not the hardest worker. Take a long lunch. Get all your work done early. Grand thinking requires space, flexibility and time. So let people see you staring at the wall. They'll know you're a person with big ideas and taking time to think makes you more valuable.
Create the shiny brand of you!
There is no magic formula to having a great career except to be you. Really you. Know who you are and have the humility to understand that self-knowledge is a never-ending journey. Figure out how to do what you love, and you'll be great at it. Offer your true, good-natured self to other people and you'll have a great network. Those who stand out as leaders have a notable authenticity that enables them to make genuinely meaningful connections with a wide range of people. Authenticity is a tool for changing the world by doing good.
The correlation between your happiness and your job is overrated. The most important factors, by far, are your optimism levels and your personal relationships. If you are a pessimist, a great job can't overcome that. (Think of the jerks at the top.) And if you have great friends and family, you can probably be happy even if you hate your job (imagine a garbage collector who's in love).
Job-hopping will hurt you.
Job hopping is one of the best ways to maintain passion and personal growth in your caeers. And here's some good news for hoppers: Most people will have eight jobs between the time they are eighteen and thirty. This means most young workers are job hopping. So hiring managers have no choice but to hire job hoppers. Ride this wave and try a lot of jobs out yourself.
The glass ceiling still exists.
The glass ceiling is over, not because people crashed through, but because people are not looking up. Life above the glass ceiling is 100-hour weeks, working for someone else, and no time for friends and family. And it's not only women who are saying no to the ladder up: Men are as well. People want to customize success for themselves, not climb someone else rungs. So if no one is climbing to the top, the glass ceiling isn't keeping anyone down.
Office politics is about backstabbing.
The people who are most effective at office politics are people who are genuinely nice. Office politics is about helping people to get what they want. This means you have to take the time to figure out what someone cares about, and then think about how you can help him or her to get it. You need to always have your ears open for when you can help. If you do this, you don't have to strong arm people or manipulate them. Your authentic caring will inspire people to help you when you need it.
Do good work, and you'll do fine.
For one thing, no one knows what the heck you're doing in your cube if you're not telling them. So when you do good work, let people know. It is not crazy to toot your own horn--it's crazy to think someone will do it for you. Also, if you do good work but you're a jerk, people will judge your work to be sub par. So you could say that good work really only matters if your co-workers enjoy hearing about it from you.
You need a good resume.
Only ten percent of jobs come from sending a blind resume. Most people get jobs by leveraging their network. Once you have a connection, the person looks at your resume to make sure there are no red flags. So you need a competent resume and an excellent network. This means you should stop stressing about which verb to use on the second line of your third job. Go talk to someone instead.
People with good networks are good at networking.
Just be nice, take genuine interest in the people you meet, and keep in touch with people you like. This will create a group of people who are invested in helping you because they know you and appreciate you. Use LinkedIn to leverage those peoples' networks, and you just got yourself a very strong network by simply hanging out with the people you like.
Work hard and good things will come.
Everyone can put in a seventy-hour week. It doesn't mean you're doing good work. So here's an idea: Make sure you're not the hardest worker. Take a long lunch. Get all your work done early. Grand thinking requires space, flexibility and time. So let people see you staring at the wall. They'll know you're a person with big ideas and taking time to think makes you more valuable.
Create the shiny brand of you!
There is no magic formula to having a great career except to be you. Really you. Know who you are and have the humility to understand that self-knowledge is a never-ending journey. Figure out how to do what you love, and you'll be great at it. Offer your true, good-natured self to other people and you'll have a great network. Those who stand out as leaders have a notable authenticity that enables them to make genuinely meaningful connections with a wide range of people. Authenticity is a tool for changing the world by doing good.
Little Johny's Maths Homework!
Little Johnny was busy doing his homework. As his mother approached she heard:
"One and one, the son-of-a-bitch is two."
"Two and two, the son-of-a-bitch is four."
"Three and three... "
His mother interrupted, asking where he had learned this way of doing math. Little Johnny remarked that his teacher Ms. Margo taught him.
His mother was rather upset and told him to stop the homework. The next day she stormed into Little Johnny's classroom and confronted Ms. Margo. Little Johnny's mother told Ms. Margo about Little Johnny's different way of doing math, and his claims that Ms. Margo taught it that way to the class.
The teacher was flabbergasted. She said that she couldn't understand why Little Johnny had said what he did. Then suddenly, Ms Margo exclaimed, "Oh, I know, here in school we say, one and one, the sum-of-which is two."
"One and one, the son-of-a-bitch is two."
"Two and two, the son-of-a-bitch is four."
"Three and three... "
His mother interrupted, asking where he had learned this way of doing math. Little Johnny remarked that his teacher Ms. Margo taught him.
His mother was rather upset and told him to stop the homework. The next day she stormed into Little Johnny's classroom and confronted Ms. Margo. Little Johnny's mother told Ms. Margo about Little Johnny's different way of doing math, and his claims that Ms. Margo taught it that way to the class.
The teacher was flabbergasted. She said that she couldn't understand why Little Johnny had said what he did. Then suddenly, Ms Margo exclaimed, "Oh, I know, here in school we say, one and one, the sum-of-which is two."
Saturday, May 19, 2007
10 advantages of growing old
1. Your joints are more accurate than the National Weather Service.
2. Kidnappers ignore you.
3. Sexual harassment charges against you just don't stick.
4. People no longer think you're a hypochondriac.
5. Your secrets are now safe with your friends because they can't remember them either.
6. Your eyes won't get much worse.
7. You're no longer expected to run into a burning building.
8. Whatever you buy now won't wear out.
9. In a hostage situation, you're likely to be released first.
10. There's nothing left to learn the hard way
2. Kidnappers ignore you.
3. Sexual harassment charges against you just don't stick.
4. People no longer think you're a hypochondriac.
5. Your secrets are now safe with your friends because they can't remember them either.
6. Your eyes won't get much worse.
7. You're no longer expected to run into a burning building.
8. Whatever you buy now won't wear out.
9. In a hostage situation, you're likely to be released first.
10. There's nothing left to learn the hard way
Airline Humour!
Lufthansa Airlines
Passengers on a Lufthansa flight heard this announcement from thecaptain:"Ladies and Gentlemen, I am sorry to inform you that we havelost power to all of our engines and will shortly crash into the ocean".
The passengers were obviously very worried about this situation but weresomewhat comforted by the captain's next announcement.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, we at Lufthansa have prepared for such anemergency and we would now like you to rearrange your seating so thatall the non-swimmers are on the left side of the plane and all theswimmers are on the right side of the plane.
After this announcement all the passengers rearranged their seating tocomply with the captain's request.
Two minutes later the captain made a belly landing in the ocean. Thecaptain once again made an announcement:
"Ladies and Gentlemen we have crashed into the ocean. All of theswimmers on the right side of the plane open your emergency exits andquickly swim away from the plane.
For all of the non-swimmers on the left side of plane... -Thank You forFlying Lufthansa- ".
Delta Airlines
At the airport for a trip, I settled down to wait for the boardingannouncement at Gate 35. Then I heard the voice on the public addresssystem saying,
"We apologize for the inconvenience, but Delta Flight 570 will boardfrom Gate 41."
So my family picked up our luggage and carried it over to Gate 41.
Not ten minutes later the public address voice told us that Flight 570would in fact be boarding from Gate 35. So again we gathered ourcarry-on luggage and returned to the original gate.
Just as we were settling down, the public address voice spoke "Thank Youfor participating in Delta's physical fitness program."
British Airways
"This is Captain Sinclair speaking. On behalf of my crew I'd like towelcome you aboard British Airways flight 602 from New York to London .
We are currently flying at a height of 35,000 feet midway across theAtlantic."
"If you look out of the windows on the starboard side of the aircraft,you will observe that both the starboard engines are on fire.
"If you look out of the windows on the port side, you will observe thatthe port wing has fallen off."
"If you look down towards the Atlantic Ocean , you will see a littleyellow life raft with three people in it waving at you. That's me yourcaptain, the co-pilot, and one of the air stewardesses. This is arecorded message."
Passengers on a Lufthansa flight heard this announcement from thecaptain:"Ladies and Gentlemen, I am sorry to inform you that we havelost power to all of our engines and will shortly crash into the ocean".
The passengers were obviously very worried about this situation but weresomewhat comforted by the captain's next announcement.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, we at Lufthansa have prepared for such anemergency and we would now like you to rearrange your seating so thatall the non-swimmers are on the left side of the plane and all theswimmers are on the right side of the plane.
After this announcement all the passengers rearranged their seating tocomply with the captain's request.
Two minutes later the captain made a belly landing in the ocean. Thecaptain once again made an announcement:
"Ladies and Gentlemen we have crashed into the ocean. All of theswimmers on the right side of the plane open your emergency exits andquickly swim away from the plane.
For all of the non-swimmers on the left side of plane... -Thank You forFlying Lufthansa- ".
Delta Airlines
At the airport for a trip, I settled down to wait for the boardingannouncement at Gate 35. Then I heard the voice on the public addresssystem saying,
"We apologize for the inconvenience, but Delta Flight 570 will boardfrom Gate 41."
So my family picked up our luggage and carried it over to Gate 41.
Not ten minutes later the public address voice told us that Flight 570would in fact be boarding from Gate 35. So again we gathered ourcarry-on luggage and returned to the original gate.
Just as we were settling down, the public address voice spoke "Thank Youfor participating in Delta's physical fitness program."
British Airways
"This is Captain Sinclair speaking. On behalf of my crew I'd like towelcome you aboard British Airways flight 602 from New York to London .
We are currently flying at a height of 35,000 feet midway across theAtlantic."
"If you look out of the windows on the starboard side of the aircraft,you will observe that both the starboard engines are on fire.
"If you look out of the windows on the port side, you will observe thatthe port wing has fallen off."
"If you look down towards the Atlantic Ocean , you will see a littleyellow life raft with three people in it waving at you. That's me yourcaptain, the co-pilot, and one of the air stewardesses. This is arecorded message."
That's life. Isn't it?
God created the donkey
and said to him. "You will be a donkey. You will work un-tiringly from sunrise to sunset carrying burdens on your back. You will eat grass, you will have no intelligence and you will live 50 years."
The donkey answered: "I will be a donkey, but to live 50 years is much. Give me only 20 years"God granted his wish.
God created the dog
and said to him: "You will guard the house of man. You will be his best Friend. You will eat the scraps that he gives you and you will live 30 years.You will be a dog. "
The dog answered: "Sir, to live 30 years is too much,give me only 15 years. " God granted his wish.
God created the monkey
and said to him: "You will be a monkey. You will swing from branch to branch doing tricks. You will be amusing and you will live
20 years. "
The monkey answered: "To live 20 years is too much, give me only 10 years." God granted his wish.
Finally God created man ...
and said to him: "You will be man, the only rational creature on the face of the earth. You will use your intelligence to become master over all the animals.. You will dominate the world and you will live 20 years."
Man responded: "Sir, I will be a man but to live only
20 years is very little, give me the 30 years that the donkey refused, the 15 years that the dog did not want and the 10 years the monkey refused." God granted man's wish
And since then, man lives
20 years as a man ,
marries and spends
30 years like a donkey, working and carrying all the burdens on his back.
Then when his children are grown, he lives 15 years like a dog taking care of the house and eating whatever is given to him,
so that when he is old, he can retire and live 10 years like a monkey, going from house to house and from one son or daughter to another doing tricks to amuse his grandchildren.
That's Life.
Is'nt it ??????????
and said to him. "You will be a donkey. You will work un-tiringly from sunrise to sunset carrying burdens on your back. You will eat grass, you will have no intelligence and you will live 50 years."
The donkey answered: "I will be a donkey, but to live 50 years is much. Give me only 20 years"God granted his wish.
God created the dog
and said to him: "You will guard the house of man. You will be his best Friend. You will eat the scraps that he gives you and you will live 30 years.You will be a dog. "
The dog answered: "Sir, to live 30 years is too much,give me only 15 years. " God granted his wish.
God created the monkey
and said to him: "You will be a monkey. You will swing from branch to branch doing tricks. You will be amusing and you will live
20 years. "
The monkey answered: "To live 20 years is too much, give me only 10 years." God granted his wish.
Finally God created man ...
and said to him: "You will be man, the only rational creature on the face of the earth. You will use your intelligence to become master over all the animals.. You will dominate the world and you will live 20 years."
Man responded: "Sir, I will be a man but to live only
20 years is very little, give me the 30 years that the donkey refused, the 15 years that the dog did not want and the 10 years the monkey refused." God granted man's wish
And since then, man lives
20 years as a man ,
marries and spends
30 years like a donkey, working and carrying all the burdens on his back.
Then when his children are grown, he lives 15 years like a dog taking care of the house and eating whatever is given to him,
so that when he is old, he can retire and live 10 years like a monkey, going from house to house and from one son or daughter to another doing tricks to amuse his grandchildren.
That's Life.
Is'nt it ??????????
Friday, May 18, 2007
Danger caused by Carcinogens
Did you know chemical released by plastic water bottles can cause cancer (It is not the water that affecting you but the chemical releasing from the bottle)
How to avoid:Check on the bottom of the bottle there is a triangle sign and there willbe a number on it. If the number is higher than or equal to 5 --> then this bottle is safe to use.
Whatever number under 5 will release the chemical. For most bottle water, the number is 1.

Stress is like a glass of water
Most stress is caused by hanging on to problems and difficulties longer than is good for you. Letting go and taking a rest from time to time isn't the mark of a wimp, it's a sign of practicality and common sense. Sadly, many of us keep clutching at our problems and burdens until we damage ourselves, sometimes permanently.
I wish I could claim to have thought this up, but I didn't. I don't even know who did. It's based on one of those pieces that go around the Internet, passed from person to person. A friend sent it to me and I couldn't resist adapting and using it here.
A famous speaker was asked to talk about stress and stress management. Wanting to give the group a practical demonstration of what was being discussed, the speaker poured out a glass of water, held it up above her head for the audience to see, and asked: "How heavy is this?"
There were many guesses, ranging from an ounce or two to almost a pound. After a while, the speaker asked another question: "How long do you think I can hold it like this?"
Again, there were lots of guesses. Some said maybe five minutes, others fifteen. One suggested an hour.
"The actual weight of the glass of water doesn't matter much," the speaker said. "I'm not very sure how long I can hold it as I'm doing now, but I can be pretty certain that holding it for a minute or less wouldn't be a real problem. If I hold it for half an hour, I'll definitely have a bad ache in my arm. If I hold it for many hours, you'll have to call an ambulance. In each case, it's the same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it will feel and the more damage I will do to myself. Right?"
Everyone nodded their agreement.
"That's the way it is with stress too," she went on. "If you try to carry your workplace burdens all the time, even if they're quite light, sooner or later they're going to feel heavier and heavier. Soon, you won't be able to carry on without doing yourself damage. Like this glass of water, you must put them down for a while and rest before going back to holding them up again. When you're refreshed, you can carry on, if you must."
There was the kind of silence you get when a roomful of people suddenly realize a truth that ought to have been staring them in the face. A mixture of enlightenment and embarrassment.
"So," the speaker concluded. "Before you go home tonight, put the burden of work down. Don't carry it home. Take some rest. Don't pick it up again until tomorrow. In fact, whatever burdens you're carrying, let them go whenever you can. Don't risk hanging on until you need that ambulance."
Life is short and uncertain. There will always be troubles to be carried. Why spend more time than you must carrying them? Why raise them above your head, if you can carry them some other way? Most stress isn't caused by some sudden, overwhelming pressure. It comes from holding on to fairly minor problems —often in an awkward or demanding way—until your mind and body have become twisted and distorted with the effort.
Wouldn't now be a suitable time to let go for a while?
I wish I could claim to have thought this up, but I didn't. I don't even know who did. It's based on one of those pieces that go around the Internet, passed from person to person. A friend sent it to me and I couldn't resist adapting and using it here.
A famous speaker was asked to talk about stress and stress management. Wanting to give the group a practical demonstration of what was being discussed, the speaker poured out a glass of water, held it up above her head for the audience to see, and asked: "How heavy is this?"
There were many guesses, ranging from an ounce or two to almost a pound. After a while, the speaker asked another question: "How long do you think I can hold it like this?"
Again, there were lots of guesses. Some said maybe five minutes, others fifteen. One suggested an hour.
"The actual weight of the glass of water doesn't matter much," the speaker said. "I'm not very sure how long I can hold it as I'm doing now, but I can be pretty certain that holding it for a minute or less wouldn't be a real problem. If I hold it for half an hour, I'll definitely have a bad ache in my arm. If I hold it for many hours, you'll have to call an ambulance. In each case, it's the same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it will feel and the more damage I will do to myself. Right?"
Everyone nodded their agreement.
"That's the way it is with stress too," she went on. "If you try to carry your workplace burdens all the time, even if they're quite light, sooner or later they're going to feel heavier and heavier. Soon, you won't be able to carry on without doing yourself damage. Like this glass of water, you must put them down for a while and rest before going back to holding them up again. When you're refreshed, you can carry on, if you must."
There was the kind of silence you get when a roomful of people suddenly realize a truth that ought to have been staring them in the face. A mixture of enlightenment and embarrassment.
"So," the speaker concluded. "Before you go home tonight, put the burden of work down. Don't carry it home. Take some rest. Don't pick it up again until tomorrow. In fact, whatever burdens you're carrying, let them go whenever you can. Don't risk hanging on until you need that ambulance."
Life is short and uncertain. There will always be troubles to be carried. Why spend more time than you must carrying them? Why raise them above your head, if you can carry them some other way? Most stress isn't caused by some sudden, overwhelming pressure. It comes from holding on to fairly minor problems —often in an awkward or demanding way—until your mind and body have become twisted and distorted with the effort.
Wouldn't now be a suitable time to let go for a while?
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Life's Coffee
A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. The conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life.
Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returnedwith a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups - porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain-looking, some expensive and some exquisite, telling them to help themselves to the coffee.
After all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said: "If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is but normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress."
"Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most
cases, it's just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink.
What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously
went for the best cups... ...and then began eyeing each other's cups.
Now consider this: Life is the coffee, and the jobs, houses, cars, things, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain life, and the type of cup we have does not define nor change the quality of life we live. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee God has provided us. God brews the coffee, not the
cups... ...enjoy your coffee.
Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returnedwith a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups - porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain-looking, some expensive and some exquisite, telling them to help themselves to the coffee.
After all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said: "If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is but normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress."
"Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most
cases, it's just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink.
What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously
went for the best cups... ...and then began eyeing each other's cups.
Now consider this: Life is the coffee, and the jobs, houses, cars, things, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain life, and the type of cup we have does not define nor change the quality of life we live. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee God has provided us. God brews the coffee, not the
cups... ...enjoy your coffee.
Memories Faded for Good!
The miscivious look of thy eyes,hold my breath
Inauspiciousness is the time the day we met
the strokes of thy fingers over the piano..
evokes my botteled up emotions..i know
The empty feeling of my soul
Is as weird n scary as the wolf's howl...
As the days passed by, I met my true love
& my memories of u faded...just donno how?
Inauspiciousness is the time the day we met
the strokes of thy fingers over the piano..
evokes my botteled up emotions..i know
The empty feeling of my soul
Is as weird n scary as the wolf's howl...
As the days passed by, I met my true love
& my memories of u faded...just donno how?
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Smile A While!
Smile a while smile a while
U don't know how long it can take u thru' a mile
when the stars shine ,
when the dogs whine
while the bees suck the honey
and the miser counts his money
So,smile a while smile a while....
Never cry coz we donno know when this world might die.....
U don't know how long it can take u thru' a mile
when the stars shine ,
when the dogs whine
while the bees suck the honey
and the miser counts his money
So,smile a while smile a while....
Never cry coz we donno know when this world might die.....
Play With Words!
Someone out there either has too much spare time or is deadly at Scrabble. (Wait till you see the last one)!
When you rearrange the letters:
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
When you rearrange the letters:
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
When you rearrange the letters:
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
When you rearrange the letters:
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
When you rearrange the letters:
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
When you rearrange the letters:
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
When you rearrange the letters:
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
When you rearrange the letters:
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
When you rearrange the letters:
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
When you rearrange the letters:
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
When you rearrange the letters:
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
When you rearrange the letters:
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When you rearrange the letters:
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When you rearrange the letters:
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When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
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When you rearrange the letters:
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When you rearrange the letters:
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When you rearrange the letters:
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When you rearrange the letters:
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When you rearrange the letters:
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When you rearrange the letters:
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When you rearrange the letters:
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When you rearrange the letters:
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When you rearrange the letters:
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When you rearrange the letters:
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
When you rearrange the letters:
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
When you rearrange the letters:
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When you rearrange the letters:
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When you rearrange the letters:
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Good Slogans
# Sign on a railway station at Patna:
Aana free, jaana free, pakde gaye to khana free.
# Seen on a famous beauty parlor in Bombay :
Don't whistle at the girl going out from here. She may be your grandmother!
# Seen on a bulletin board:
Success is relative More the success, more the relatives.
# Sign at a barber's saloon in Juhu, Bombay:
we need your heads to run our business.
# A traffic slogan:
Don't let your kids drive if they are not old enough - or else they never will be.....
Its God's responsibility to forgive the terrorist organizations It's our responsibility to arrange the meeting between them and god." - Indian Armed Forces
Aana free, jaana free, pakde gaye to khana free.
# Seen on a famous beauty parlor in Bombay :
Don't whistle at the girl going out from here. She may be your grandmother!
# Seen on a bulletin board:
Success is relative More the success, more the relatives.
# Sign at a barber's saloon in Juhu, Bombay:
we need your heads to run our business.
# A traffic slogan:
Don't let your kids drive if they are not old enough - or else they never will be.....
Its God's responsibility to forgive the terrorist organizations It's our responsibility to arrange the meeting between them and god." - Indian Armed Forces
Good Marketing Concept!
A professor at an IIM was explaining marketing concepts:
1. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say: "I amvery rich. Marry me!" - That's Direct Marketing
2. You're at a party with a bunch of friends and see a gorgeous girl. One of your friends goes up to her and pointing at yousays: "He's very rich. Marry him." - That's Advertising.
3. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and get hertelephone number. The next day, you call and say: "Hi, I'm very rich.Marry me." - That's Telemarketing.
4. You're at a party and see gorgeous girl. You get up and straightenyour tie, you walk up to her and pour her a drink, you open the door (of the car) for her, pick up her bag after she drops it, offer her ride and then say: "By the way, I'm rich. Will you marry me?" - That'sPublic Relations
5. You're at a party and see gorgeous girl. She walks up to you and says: "You are very rich! Can you marry me?" - That's Brand Recognition.
6. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say: "I amvery rich. Marry me!" She gives you a nice hard slap on your face. - That'sCustomer Feedback.
7. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say: "I amvery rich. Marry me!" And she introduces you to her husband. - That'sdemand and supply gap.
8. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and before you say anything, another person come and tell her: "I'm rich. Will youmarryme?" and she goes with him - That's competition eating into your market share.
9. You see and gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and before yousay: "I'm rich Marry me!" your wife arrives. - That's restriction forentering new markets.
1. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say: "I amvery rich. Marry me!" - That's Direct Marketing
2. You're at a party with a bunch of friends and see a gorgeous girl. One of your friends goes up to her and pointing at yousays: "He's very rich. Marry him." - That's Advertising.
3. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and get hertelephone number. The next day, you call and say: "Hi, I'm very rich.Marry me." - That's Telemarketing.
4. You're at a party and see gorgeous girl. You get up and straightenyour tie, you walk up to her and pour her a drink, you open the door (of the car) for her, pick up her bag after she drops it, offer her ride and then say: "By the way, I'm rich. Will you marry me?" - That'sPublic Relations
5. You're at a party and see gorgeous girl. She walks up to you and says: "You are very rich! Can you marry me?" - That's Brand Recognition.
6. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say: "I amvery rich. Marry me!" She gives you a nice hard slap on your face. - That'sCustomer Feedback.
7. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say: "I amvery rich. Marry me!" And she introduces you to her husband. - That'sdemand and supply gap.
8. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and before you say anything, another person come and tell her: "I'm rich. Will youmarryme?" and she goes with him - That's competition eating into your market share.
9. You see and gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and before yousay: "I'm rich Marry me!" your wife arrives. - That's restriction forentering new markets.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Thread & Candle!
Thread Asked Candle: " Why you Dissolve yourself When i Burn?"
Candle Said: " If the Person in U'r HEart Suffers, you are boud to Shud Tears"
That is Friendship & That is Life !
Candle Said: " If the Person in U'r HEart Suffers, you are boud to Shud Tears"
That is Friendship & That is Life !
Women's Most Beautiful Clothes!
"The Most Beautiful Clothes That a Women Can Wear Are
The Arms of the Man she Loves the Most!"
The Arms of the Man she Loves the Most!"
Friday, May 11, 2007
10 Golden Lessons From Steve Jobs
From the recent challenge on DRM, to the iPhone hype from his presentation, and the popular iPod madness, we know Steve Jobs is a marketing genius. But that's not the only it, he has his own view of what's successful and the view of leadership and career. Ririan Project selected 10 quotes from Steve Jobs and describe them in details how you can learn Jobs' way to be successful:
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower."
"Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected".
"The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it."
"You know, we don't grow most of the food we eat. We wear clothes other people make. We speak a language that other people developed. We use a mathematics that other people evolved… I mean, we're constantly taking things. It's a wonderful, ecstatic feeling to create something that puts it back in the pool of human experience and knowledge."
"There's a phrase in Buddhism, 'Beginner's mind.' It's wonderful to have a beginner's mind." "We think basically you watch television to turn your brain off, and you work on your computer when you want to turn your brain on."
"I'm the only person I know that's lost a quarter of a billion dollars in one year…. It's very character-building."
"I would trade all of my technology for an afternoon with Socrates."
"We're here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why else even be here?"
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower."
"Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected".
"The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it."
"You know, we don't grow most of the food we eat. We wear clothes other people make. We speak a language that other people developed. We use a mathematics that other people evolved… I mean, we're constantly taking things. It's a wonderful, ecstatic feeling to create something that puts it back in the pool of human experience and knowledge."
"There's a phrase in Buddhism, 'Beginner's mind.' It's wonderful to have a beginner's mind." "We think basically you watch television to turn your brain off, and you work on your computer when you want to turn your brain on."
"I'm the only person I know that's lost a quarter of a billion dollars in one year…. It's very character-building."
"I would trade all of my technology for an afternoon with Socrates."
"We're here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why else even be here?"
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."
Start with.. (laugh)
1. A FOOLish man tells a woman to STOP talking, but a WISE man tellsher that “she looks extremely BEAUTIFUL when her LIPS are CLOSED”.
2. One GOOD way to REDUCE Alcohol consumption :Before Marriage - Drink whenever you are SADAfter Marriage - Drink whenever you are HAPPY
3. Three FASTEST means of Communication :1. Tele-Phone2. Tele-Vision3. Tell to WomanNeed still FASTER - Tell her NOT to tell ANY ONE.
4. Love your friends not their sisters. Love your sisters not theirfriends.
5. A man got 2 wishes from GOD. He asked for the Best wine and BestWoman.Next moment, he had the Best Wine and Mother Teresa next to him.Moral : BE SPECIFIC
6. What is a BEST and WORST news you can hear at the SAME time ?It is when your Girl Friend says YOU are the BEST KISSER among all yourFriends.
7. Let us be generous like this : Four Ants are moving through aforest.They see an ELEPHANT comingt owards them. Ant 1 says : we should KILLhim.Ant 2 says : No, Let us break his Leg alone. Ant 3 says : No, we willjust throw him away from our path. Ant 4 says : No, we will LEAVE himbecause he is ALONE and we areF OUR.
8. If you do NOT have a Girl Friend - You are missing SOME thing inyour life. If you HAVE a Girl Friend - You are missing EVERY thing inyour life.
9. Question : When do you CONGRATULATE someone for their MISTAKE.Answer : On their MARRIAGE.
10. When your LIFE is in DARKNESS, PRAY GOD and ask him to free youfrom Darkness. Even after you pray, if U R still in Darkness - PleasePAY the ELECTRICITY BILL.
11. Why Government do NOT allow a Man to MARRY 2 Women. Because as perConstitution, you can NOT PUNISH TWICE for the same Mistake.
2. One GOOD way to REDUCE Alcohol consumption :Before Marriage - Drink whenever you are SADAfter Marriage - Drink whenever you are HAPPY
3. Three FASTEST means of Communication :1. Tele-Phone2. Tele-Vision3. Tell to WomanNeed still FASTER - Tell her NOT to tell ANY ONE.
4. Love your friends not their sisters. Love your sisters not theirfriends.
5. A man got 2 wishes from GOD. He asked for the Best wine and BestWoman.Next moment, he had the Best Wine and Mother Teresa next to him.Moral : BE SPECIFIC
6. What is a BEST and WORST news you can hear at the SAME time ?It is when your Girl Friend says YOU are the BEST KISSER among all yourFriends.
7. Let us be generous like this : Four Ants are moving through aforest.They see an ELEPHANT comingt owards them. Ant 1 says : we should KILLhim.Ant 2 says : No, Let us break his Leg alone. Ant 3 says : No, we willjust throw him away from our path. Ant 4 says : No, we will LEAVE himbecause he is ALONE and we areF OUR.
8. If you do NOT have a Girl Friend - You are missing SOME thing inyour life. If you HAVE a Girl Friend - You are missing EVERY thing inyour life.
9. Question : When do you CONGRATULATE someone for their MISTAKE.Answer : On their MARRIAGE.
10. When your LIFE is in DARKNESS, PRAY GOD and ask him to free youfrom Darkness. Even after you pray, if U R still in Darkness - PleasePAY the ELECTRICITY BILL.
11. Why Government do NOT allow a Man to MARRY 2 Women. Because as perConstitution, you can NOT PUNISH TWICE for the same Mistake.
Being Happy as a Introvert
Being an introvert isn’t necessarily a bad thing. If it prevents you from doing what you really want to do, or hinders your working and personal lives, then something should change. However, introverts should be happy being so.
Author on Introverts, Nancy R. Fenn, wrote a Top Ten to get introverts through their day, and it’s mostly a How To in getting out of negative situations and keeping positive about their character.
1. Assert yourself as a legitimate personality type.There are two legitimate personality types: extroverts and introverts.
2. Correct people when they refer to introverts as neurotics.Introverts are not neurotics. They are introverts.
3. Correct people when they refer to introverts as prone to mental illness.Introverts are no more prone to mental illness than others. When extroverts are under stress, they overeat, smoke, drink and become violent. When introverts are under stress, they withdraw. This does not make them mentally ill.
4. Correct people when they assert that introverts are anti-social.Introverts are not anti-social. They are drained by other people and must limit their time in company, but they are friendly and loving people.
5. Correct people when they assert that introverts have nothing to say.On the contrary, introverts won’t speak unless they have something important to say!
6. Put a proper value on your ability to be a good listener.Good listening skills are invaluable in all areas of business and industry.
7. Do not apologize for time spent alone.Explain to critical “others” that introverts need to spend at least half their time alone for good mental and emotional health. Then assert, if necessary, that introverts are a legitimate personality type.
8. Introverts are not losers.Take pride that you are in the company of such introverts, past and present, as Albert Einstein, Steven Spielberg, Queen Elizabeth II, Charles Darwin, Mahatma Gandhi, Michael Jordan and Bruce Lee.
9. Stand up for introverted children who are being misunderstood in your presence.This is one of the most healing things you can possibly do for yourself as it will heal your own inner child.
10. Don’t let pushy extroverts interrupt you while you’re reading a good book.Explain politely that you can’t talk right now, you’re reading a book.
Personally, I think some kind of middle-ground is ideal. Any introverts out there have more suggestions?
Author on Introverts, Nancy R. Fenn, wrote a Top Ten to get introverts through their day, and it’s mostly a How To in getting out of negative situations and keeping positive about their character.
1. Assert yourself as a legitimate personality type.There are two legitimate personality types: extroverts and introverts.
2. Correct people when they refer to introverts as neurotics.Introverts are not neurotics. They are introverts.
3. Correct people when they refer to introverts as prone to mental illness.Introverts are no more prone to mental illness than others. When extroverts are under stress, they overeat, smoke, drink and become violent. When introverts are under stress, they withdraw. This does not make them mentally ill.
4. Correct people when they assert that introverts are anti-social.Introverts are not anti-social. They are drained by other people and must limit their time in company, but they are friendly and loving people.
5. Correct people when they assert that introverts have nothing to say.On the contrary, introverts won’t speak unless they have something important to say!
6. Put a proper value on your ability to be a good listener.Good listening skills are invaluable in all areas of business and industry.
7. Do not apologize for time spent alone.Explain to critical “others” that introverts need to spend at least half their time alone for good mental and emotional health. Then assert, if necessary, that introverts are a legitimate personality type.
8. Introverts are not losers.Take pride that you are in the company of such introverts, past and present, as Albert Einstein, Steven Spielberg, Queen Elizabeth II, Charles Darwin, Mahatma Gandhi, Michael Jordan and Bruce Lee.
9. Stand up for introverted children who are being misunderstood in your presence.This is one of the most healing things you can possibly do for yourself as it will heal your own inner child.
10. Don’t let pushy extroverts interrupt you while you’re reading a good book.Explain politely that you can’t talk right now, you’re reading a book.
Personally, I think some kind of middle-ground is ideal. Any introverts out there have more suggestions?
The Gentle Art of Saying No
It's a simple fact that you can never be productive if you take on too many commitments — you simply spread yourself too thin and will not be able to get anything done, at least not well or on time.
But requests for your time are coming in all the time — through phone, email, IM or in person. To stay productive, and minimize stress, you have to learn the Gentle Art of Saying No — an art that many people have problems with.
What's so hard about saying no? Well, to start with, it can hurt, anger or disappoint the person you're saying "no" to, and that's not usually a fun task. Second, if you hope to work with that person in the future, you'll want to continue to have a good relationship with that person, and saying "no" in the wrong way can jeopardize that.
But it doesn't have to be difficult or hard on your relationship.
Here are the Top 10 tips for learning the Gentle Art of Saying No:
Value your time.
Know your commitments, and how valuable your precious time is. Then, when someone asks you to dedicate some of your time to a new commitment, you'll know that you simply cannot do it. And tell them that: "I just can't right now … my plate is overloaded as it is."
Know your priorities.
Even if you do have some extra time (which for many of us is rare), is this new commitment really the way you want to spend that time? For myself, I know that more commitments means less time with my wife and kids, who are more important to me than anything
Practice saying no.
Practice makes perfect. Saying "no" as often as you can is a great way to get better at it and more comfortable with saying the word. And sometimes, repeating the word is the only way to get a message through to extremely persistent people. When they keep insisting, just keep saying no. Eventually, they'll get the message.
Don't apologize.
A common way to start out is "I'm sorry but …" as people think that it sounds more polite. While politeness is important, apologizing just makes it sound weaker. You need to be firm, and unapologetic about guarding your time.
Stop being nice.
Again, it's important to be polite, but being nice by saying yes all the time only hurts you. When you make it easy for people to grab your time (or money), they will continue to do it. But if you erect a wall, they will look for easier targets. Show them that your time is well guarded by being firm and turning down as many requests (that are not on your top priority list) as possible.
Say no to your boss.
Sometimes we feel that we have to say yes to our boss — they're our boss, right? And if we say "no" then we look like we can't handle the work — at least, that's the common reasoning. But in fact, it's the opposite — explain to your boss that by taking on too many commitments, you are weakening your productivity and jeopardizing your existing commitments. If your boss insists that you take on the project, go over your project or task list and ask him/her to re-prioritize, explaining that there's only so much you can take on at one time.
It's often much easier to pre-empt requests than to say "no" to them after the request has been made. If you know that requests are likely to be made, perhaps in a meeting, just say to everyone as soon as you come into the meeting, "Look guys, just to let you know, my week is booked full with some urgent projects and I won't be able to take on any new requests."
Get back to you.
Instead of providing an answer then and there, it's often better to tell the person you'll give their request some thought and get back to them. This will allow you to give it some consideration, and check your commitments and priorities. Then, if you can't take on the request, simply tell them: "After giving this some thought, and checking my commitments, I won't be able to accommodate the request at this time." At least you gave it some consideration.
Maybe later.
If this is an option that you'd like to keep open, instead of just shutting the door on the person, it's often better to just say, "This sounds like an interesting opportunity, but I just don't have the time at the moment. Perhaps you could check back with me in [give a time frame]." Next time, when they check back with you, you might have some free time on your hands.
It's not you, it's me.
This classic dating rejection can work in other situations. Don't be insincere about it, though. Often the person or project is a good one, but it's just not right for you, at least not at this time. Simply say so — you can compliment the idea, the project, the person, the organization … but say that it's not the right fit, or it's not what you're looking for at this time Only say this if it's true — people can sense insincerity.
What are your ways of saying "no"? Let me know in the comments.
But requests for your time are coming in all the time — through phone, email, IM or in person. To stay productive, and minimize stress, you have to learn the Gentle Art of Saying No — an art that many people have problems with.
What's so hard about saying no? Well, to start with, it can hurt, anger or disappoint the person you're saying "no" to, and that's not usually a fun task. Second, if you hope to work with that person in the future, you'll want to continue to have a good relationship with that person, and saying "no" in the wrong way can jeopardize that.
But it doesn't have to be difficult or hard on your relationship.
Here are the Top 10 tips for learning the Gentle Art of Saying No:
Value your time.
Know your commitments, and how valuable your precious time is. Then, when someone asks you to dedicate some of your time to a new commitment, you'll know that you simply cannot do it. And tell them that: "I just can't right now … my plate is overloaded as it is."
Know your priorities.
Even if you do have some extra time (which for many of us is rare), is this new commitment really the way you want to spend that time? For myself, I know that more commitments means less time with my wife and kids, who are more important to me than anything
Practice saying no.
Practice makes perfect. Saying "no" as often as you can is a great way to get better at it and more comfortable with saying the word. And sometimes, repeating the word is the only way to get a message through to extremely persistent people. When they keep insisting, just keep saying no. Eventually, they'll get the message.
Don't apologize.
A common way to start out is "I'm sorry but …" as people think that it sounds more polite. While politeness is important, apologizing just makes it sound weaker. You need to be firm, and unapologetic about guarding your time.
Stop being nice.
Again, it's important to be polite, but being nice by saying yes all the time only hurts you. When you make it easy for people to grab your time (or money), they will continue to do it. But if you erect a wall, they will look for easier targets. Show them that your time is well guarded by being firm and turning down as many requests (that are not on your top priority list) as possible.
Say no to your boss.
Sometimes we feel that we have to say yes to our boss — they're our boss, right? And if we say "no" then we look like we can't handle the work — at least, that's the common reasoning. But in fact, it's the opposite — explain to your boss that by taking on too many commitments, you are weakening your productivity and jeopardizing your existing commitments. If your boss insists that you take on the project, go over your project or task list and ask him/her to re-prioritize, explaining that there's only so much you can take on at one time.
It's often much easier to pre-empt requests than to say "no" to them after the request has been made. If you know that requests are likely to be made, perhaps in a meeting, just say to everyone as soon as you come into the meeting, "Look guys, just to let you know, my week is booked full with some urgent projects and I won't be able to take on any new requests."
Get back to you.
Instead of providing an answer then and there, it's often better to tell the person you'll give their request some thought and get back to them. This will allow you to give it some consideration, and check your commitments and priorities. Then, if you can't take on the request, simply tell them: "After giving this some thought, and checking my commitments, I won't be able to accommodate the request at this time." At least you gave it some consideration.
Maybe later.
If this is an option that you'd like to keep open, instead of just shutting the door on the person, it's often better to just say, "This sounds like an interesting opportunity, but I just don't have the time at the moment. Perhaps you could check back with me in [give a time frame]." Next time, when they check back with you, you might have some free time on your hands.
It's not you, it's me.
This classic dating rejection can work in other situations. Don't be insincere about it, though. Often the person or project is a good one, but it's just not right for you, at least not at this time. Simply say so — you can compliment the idea, the project, the person, the organization … but say that it's not the right fit, or it's not what you're looking for at this time Only say this if it's true — people can sense insincerity.
What are your ways of saying "no"? Let me know in the comments.
How to become a creating Genius
When we measure the creativity of young children, virtually all of them will record as being ‘highly creative’. However, only a small percentage of adults register as being ‘highly creative’.
What happened?
Schools have crushed creativity. We were told to color within the lines. We were taught to follow instructions. The goal inschool is to get the “right” answer. Unfortunately, if you’re afraid to be wrong, you’ll never be creative or original. The job of education is to produce employees who follow instructions. And to this endeavor, they are doing avery good job. However, in terms of creativity, they are falling terribly short. This is one of the most unfortunate realities in our current education system. To undo this, we must continuallyexercise our creative juices. That’s why I have put together 6 tips for expanding your creativity.
1. Keep a Notebook and Pencil on hand at all times.
Ideas are like in-laws, you never know when they’re coming over to visit. By keeping a notebook around, you will alwaysbe able to capture your ideas at any time of the day. Leonardo da Vinci was well known for keeping a journal of his ideas. His notebooks are now prized possessions that holdthe many creative and genius thoughts of this master thinker, painter, and inventor. His notebooks were filled with plans for flying machines, a parachute, a helicopter, the extendable ladder, the bicycle,folding furniture, and a number of automated tools for increasing productivity. Yes, I am happy to say that Leonardo da Vinci was a productivity junkie. A blank page is an open invitation for the creative and curious mind. The simple act of writing gets you into acreative flow that can last for hours. The free-flowing, exploratory practice of keeping a journal encourages freedom of thought and expanded perspectives.
2. The second key to creativity is to ask questions.
Questions are the root of all knowledge and creativity. By continually asking questions about the world around us, wefuel our creative fire.
Great minds are those that have asked the greatest questions.
Leonardo da Vinci asked such questions as:
“Why does the thunder last a longer time than that which causes it?” and “Why is the sky blue?”
Socrates asked such questions as:
“What is wisdom?”
“What is piety?”
“What is beauty?”
As a young boy, Albert Einstein asked himself, “What would it be like to run beside a light beam at the speed oflight?” A number of inventions have been created by asking one simple question… “What if…..?” By asking questions we increase our level of consciousness and our perspective of the world.
3. To become a creative genius, you must also be a voracious reader.
Reading enhances your mental ability and lets you experience the world from a brand new perspective. When we read a book, we let go of our own perspectives and experience the world from the characters that have been crafted by the author.
I have found in my own life that the more I read, the more I want to know. Reading becomes an insatiable desire and an unquenchable thirst.
4. Seek out new experiences.
Our minds are much like a garden. Without proper care, the weeds will take over. Nothing sparks the mind like learning something new.
If you want to expand your creativity, then learn a new skill. It can be anything you choose. Learn a new language.Learn to water ski. Learn to play an instrument. Pick up photography or even try a new sport. All of these activities get your mind working outside of its regular patterns.
5. Become a whole-brain thinker.
There are generally two-types of people in this world: left-brained and right-brained. In most cases, people are either analytical thinkers who enjoy math, science, and logic or they are highlyimaginative and creative individuals who focus on the big-picture. Unfortunately, our school systems generally cater to those who are left-brained analytical thinkers. This has createda world of employees who are very good at following directions but are not so good at developing new ideas. To break the mold, we must become whole-brain, holistic thinkers. You can do this by using a powerful method known as mind mapping. Mind mapping has been used by some of history’s greatest brains, including Michelangelo, Mark Twain, and Leonardo daVinci. Mind mapping is a whole-brain activity that will awaken your creative side as well as your analytical side. Mind mapping will also help you to generate new ideas when needed. It doesn’t matter whether you’re using it forpersonal goal setting, problem solving, or simply to become a more creative, whole-brain thinker. Our mind works in pictures, associating one idea to the next. Mind mapping allows you to continue this naturalthought process on paper. Mind mapping is one of the most powerful tools for awakening your creativity.
For a detailed explanation of mind mapping, go to: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mind_map
6. The final tool for developing your creativity is imaginary dialogue.
Yes, I know, it may sound silly at first, but this technique can be an extremely powerful tool for developing yourcreativity. This technique was first introduced in the best-selling book by Napoleon Hill, “Think and Grow Rich”. Before achieving his success, Napoleon Hill was first meeting with an imaginary mastermind each night. He wouldclose his eyes and visualize a table occupied by such great men as Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, NapoleonBonaparte, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Elbert Hubbard. Napoleon Hill would then speak to the members of his imaginary mastermind in the following manner:
“Mr. Lincoln: I desire to build in my own character those qualities of patience and fairness toward all mankind andthe keen sense of humor which were your outstanding characteristics.” “Mr. Washington: I desire to build in my own character those qualities of patriotism and self-sacrifice and leadership which were your outstanding characteristics.”
“Mr. Hubbard: I desire to develop the ability to equal and even to excel the ability that you possessed with which to express yourself in clear, concise and forceful language.”
After meeting with his mastermind group for several months, he found that he had developed each of their desiredcharacteristics into his own personality. Napoleon also went to his imaginary mastermind to help solve any problem he was facing. The imaginary mastermind is a master tool for finding new perspectives and looking at your problem from a different angle.
For example, let’s say that you own a business. Why not develop an imaginary mastermind of the greatest businessminds in history? You can call to your table such names as Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, Walt Disney, Bill Gates, RayKroc, and Sam Walton. Call on them daily for advice and you will begin to see your problems in a new light. As once said by Albert Einstein, “You can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it.” You can have even more creative fun by imagining a discussion between two different well-known people.Some examples to get you started include:
Bill Gates Vs. Steve Jobs
Leonardo da Vinci vs. Albert Einstein
William Shakespeare vs. Maya Angelou
Let your mind wander and you will be surprised at all of the connections you begin to make.
What happened?
Schools have crushed creativity. We were told to color within the lines. We were taught to follow instructions. The goal inschool is to get the “right” answer. Unfortunately, if you’re afraid to be wrong, you’ll never be creative or original. The job of education is to produce employees who follow instructions. And to this endeavor, they are doing avery good job. However, in terms of creativity, they are falling terribly short. This is one of the most unfortunate realities in our current education system. To undo this, we must continuallyexercise our creative juices. That’s why I have put together 6 tips for expanding your creativity.
1. Keep a Notebook and Pencil on hand at all times.
Ideas are like in-laws, you never know when they’re coming over to visit. By keeping a notebook around, you will alwaysbe able to capture your ideas at any time of the day. Leonardo da Vinci was well known for keeping a journal of his ideas. His notebooks are now prized possessions that holdthe many creative and genius thoughts of this master thinker, painter, and inventor. His notebooks were filled with plans for flying machines, a parachute, a helicopter, the extendable ladder, the bicycle,folding furniture, and a number of automated tools for increasing productivity. Yes, I am happy to say that Leonardo da Vinci was a productivity junkie. A blank page is an open invitation for the creative and curious mind. The simple act of writing gets you into acreative flow that can last for hours. The free-flowing, exploratory practice of keeping a journal encourages freedom of thought and expanded perspectives.
2. The second key to creativity is to ask questions.
Questions are the root of all knowledge and creativity. By continually asking questions about the world around us, wefuel our creative fire.
Great minds are those that have asked the greatest questions.
Leonardo da Vinci asked such questions as:
“Why does the thunder last a longer time than that which causes it?” and “Why is the sky blue?”
Socrates asked such questions as:
“What is wisdom?”
“What is piety?”
“What is beauty?”
As a young boy, Albert Einstein asked himself, “What would it be like to run beside a light beam at the speed oflight?” A number of inventions have been created by asking one simple question… “What if…..?” By asking questions we increase our level of consciousness and our perspective of the world.
3. To become a creative genius, you must also be a voracious reader.
Reading enhances your mental ability and lets you experience the world from a brand new perspective. When we read a book, we let go of our own perspectives and experience the world from the characters that have been crafted by the author.
I have found in my own life that the more I read, the more I want to know. Reading becomes an insatiable desire and an unquenchable thirst.
4. Seek out new experiences.
Our minds are much like a garden. Without proper care, the weeds will take over. Nothing sparks the mind like learning something new.
If you want to expand your creativity, then learn a new skill. It can be anything you choose. Learn a new language.Learn to water ski. Learn to play an instrument. Pick up photography or even try a new sport. All of these activities get your mind working outside of its regular patterns.
5. Become a whole-brain thinker.
There are generally two-types of people in this world: left-brained and right-brained. In most cases, people are either analytical thinkers who enjoy math, science, and logic or they are highlyimaginative and creative individuals who focus on the big-picture. Unfortunately, our school systems generally cater to those who are left-brained analytical thinkers. This has createda world of employees who are very good at following directions but are not so good at developing new ideas. To break the mold, we must become whole-brain, holistic thinkers. You can do this by using a powerful method known as mind mapping. Mind mapping has been used by some of history’s greatest brains, including Michelangelo, Mark Twain, and Leonardo daVinci. Mind mapping is a whole-brain activity that will awaken your creative side as well as your analytical side. Mind mapping will also help you to generate new ideas when needed. It doesn’t matter whether you’re using it forpersonal goal setting, problem solving, or simply to become a more creative, whole-brain thinker. Our mind works in pictures, associating one idea to the next. Mind mapping allows you to continue this naturalthought process on paper. Mind mapping is one of the most powerful tools for awakening your creativity.
For a detailed explanation of mind mapping, go to: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mind_map
6. The final tool for developing your creativity is imaginary dialogue.
Yes, I know, it may sound silly at first, but this technique can be an extremely powerful tool for developing yourcreativity. This technique was first introduced in the best-selling book by Napoleon Hill, “Think and Grow Rich”. Before achieving his success, Napoleon Hill was first meeting with an imaginary mastermind each night. He wouldclose his eyes and visualize a table occupied by such great men as Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, NapoleonBonaparte, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Elbert Hubbard. Napoleon Hill would then speak to the members of his imaginary mastermind in the following manner:
“Mr. Lincoln: I desire to build in my own character those qualities of patience and fairness toward all mankind andthe keen sense of humor which were your outstanding characteristics.” “Mr. Washington: I desire to build in my own character those qualities of patriotism and self-sacrifice and leadership which were your outstanding characteristics.”
“Mr. Hubbard: I desire to develop the ability to equal and even to excel the ability that you possessed with which to express yourself in clear, concise and forceful language.”
After meeting with his mastermind group for several months, he found that he had developed each of their desiredcharacteristics into his own personality. Napoleon also went to his imaginary mastermind to help solve any problem he was facing. The imaginary mastermind is a master tool for finding new perspectives and looking at your problem from a different angle.
For example, let’s say that you own a business. Why not develop an imaginary mastermind of the greatest businessminds in history? You can call to your table such names as Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, Walt Disney, Bill Gates, RayKroc, and Sam Walton. Call on them daily for advice and you will begin to see your problems in a new light. As once said by Albert Einstein, “You can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it.” You can have even more creative fun by imagining a discussion between two different well-known people.Some examples to get you started include:
Bill Gates Vs. Steve Jobs
Leonardo da Vinci vs. Albert Einstein
William Shakespeare vs. Maya Angelou
Let your mind wander and you will be surprised at all of the connections you begin to make.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
World Thalassemia day !
May 8 marks Thalassemia Day and it is estimated that nearly one lakh Indians suffer from this dreaded disease with more than 8,000 thalassemic births recorded every year in India.
Thalassemia is a hereditary blood disorder wherein the patient has to undergo repeated blood transfusions as the body cannot produce enough haemoglobin.
Problems of a thalassemic's family are compounded by the fact that repeated blood transfusions leads to accumulation of excessive iron in the heart, liver and other vital organs causing an 'iron overload'.
Apart from the psychological and emotional trauma, thalassemia also poses a huge financial burden for the family. The costs of chelation for removing excessive iron and for blood transfusions is close to Rs 10-15,000 per month which can be prohibitive for families with limited means.
Chelation injections cost Rs 2 lakh per year. Seema Arya, mother of an eight-yr-old thalassemic said that as a parent a lot of counselling is required for supporting the child as he has to endure regular injections that are slowly injected to remove the iron deposits sometimes lasting upto 12 hours or more.
Essentially the red blood cells are very fragile and are subject to early destruction, whereas the normal life span is three weeks. This means frequent blood transfusions and the necessity of accessing safe blood everytime a transfusion takes place.
Otherwise the patient is susceptible to the added risk of contracting Hepatitis and HIV/AIDS. Hence proper screening of blood and blood banks is very important.
Another problem is that thalassemia is often confused with anaemia and timely medical intervention is sometimes not available. Without treatment a child with this chromosomal defect cannot survive for more than 20-30 days.
Lack of awareness regarding this genetic disorder is exacerbating the spread of thalassemia. Cyprus is one of the countries where the disease was widely prevalent, but with timely intervention of the government, including sustained mass awareness campaigns, thalassemia has been contained.
In this context it is very important that thalassemia minor carriers be identified through a simple blood screening.
Nearly 6 per cent of the Indian population are T-minor carriers of the thalassemia gene defect. Film stars like Amitabh Bachchan and Amisha Patel are thalassemia minors, but are leading perfectly active and normal lives.
The only precaution that T minors with this genetic defect need to take is not marrying another T minor so that their progeny is not born a T major and is protected from this disease.
Bone marrow treatment and stem cell replacement are two alternative therapies that are also being explored but the costs are prohibitive.
Thalassemia is a hereditary blood disorder wherein the patient has to undergo repeated blood transfusions as the body cannot produce enough haemoglobin.
Problems of a thalassemic's family are compounded by the fact that repeated blood transfusions leads to accumulation of excessive iron in the heart, liver and other vital organs causing an 'iron overload'.
Apart from the psychological and emotional trauma, thalassemia also poses a huge financial burden for the family. The costs of chelation for removing excessive iron and for blood transfusions is close to Rs 10-15,000 per month which can be prohibitive for families with limited means.
Chelation injections cost Rs 2 lakh per year. Seema Arya, mother of an eight-yr-old thalassemic said that as a parent a lot of counselling is required for supporting the child as he has to endure regular injections that are slowly injected to remove the iron deposits sometimes lasting upto 12 hours or more.
Essentially the red blood cells are very fragile and are subject to early destruction, whereas the normal life span is three weeks. This means frequent blood transfusions and the necessity of accessing safe blood everytime a transfusion takes place.
Otherwise the patient is susceptible to the added risk of contracting Hepatitis and HIV/AIDS. Hence proper screening of blood and blood banks is very important.
Another problem is that thalassemia is often confused with anaemia and timely medical intervention is sometimes not available. Without treatment a child with this chromosomal defect cannot survive for more than 20-30 days.
Lack of awareness regarding this genetic disorder is exacerbating the spread of thalassemia. Cyprus is one of the countries where the disease was widely prevalent, but with timely intervention of the government, including sustained mass awareness campaigns, thalassemia has been contained.
In this context it is very important that thalassemia minor carriers be identified through a simple blood screening.
Nearly 6 per cent of the Indian population are T-minor carriers of the thalassemia gene defect. Film stars like Amitabh Bachchan and Amisha Patel are thalassemia minors, but are leading perfectly active and normal lives.
The only precaution that T minors with this genetic defect need to take is not marrying another T minor so that their progeny is not born a T major and is protected from this disease.
Bone marrow treatment and stem cell replacement are two alternative therapies that are also being explored but the costs are prohibitive.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Always Remember!
When you need a shoulder to cry on,
Remember that I am just here for you
Ready to offer comfort...
When you think I'm being too tough,
Remember that which does not kill you
instead it Makes you stronger...
When you need a friend to listen,
Remember that I am here for you,
When you doubt me,Remember that I always
Do care for you...
When you lose faith in yourself,
Remember that I never did,
Remember that I am just here for you
Ready to offer comfort...
When you think I'm being too tough,
Remember that which does not kill you
instead it Makes you stronger...
When you need a friend to listen,
Remember that I am here for you,
When you doubt me,Remember that I always
Do care for you...
When you lose faith in yourself,
Remember that I never did,
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