Thursday, November 08, 2007


Personality is just an illusion

The essence of your being is a changeless reality that creates an energy pattern which comes and goes. The pattern which is constantly changing its name and shape, is the person you confuse yourself with.

Frequently, in the final moments of death, people see their whole life flash before their eyes in a split second.

This is because the experience is generated
through photons, which move at the speed of light. Neardeath experiences confirm that every second contains the information of the whole eternity. They also demonstrate that the journey after death is into nonlocality, the domain of the soul.

During material existence, our physical body is the expression of our soul at a lower frequency, giving us the appearance of being localised in space-time. We also have an astral body that accompanies the physical body and mirrors all its information and energy content.

In death, the physical body disintegrates, leaving the astral body as the expression of our soul at a higher frequency. The essence of your being is a changeless reality that creates an energy pattern that comes and goes.

This pattern, which is born and dies, and is constantly changing its name
and shape, is the person you confuse yourself with. You may think that a personal ‘I am’ is the cause and source of all that happens to you, but this is a hoax, a hallucination created out of a distorted perception.

You must let go of the idea that you are a set personality fixed in space and time. The personality is just an illusion. What appears to be the personal “I am” is the universal “I am,” the Beingness in all beings. The real “I am” is the whole endless process of pure potentiality expressing itself in different disguises: I am pure potentiality. I am the universe. I am whatever is happening.

If I look outside and see the stars and galaxies, that is what is happening, and that is me. I am the light, and I am the eyes that perceive it. I am the music, and I am the ears that hear it. I am the wind, and I am the bird’s wings that fly on it. There is no other “I am” than the one Being, the entire universe. That which you call yourself is constantly undergoing change and transformation. All is transforming, yet nothing ever dies.

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